all postcodes in SW2 / LONDON

find any address or company within the SW2 postcode district

Postcode Area

SW / South West London

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SW2 4AA 0 51.443524 -0.125474
SW2 4AB 0 51.443655 -0.1258
SW2 4AE 0 51.444005 -0.125785
SW2 4AF 0 51.444787 -0.125207
SW2 4AH 1 51.44499 -0.124899
SW2 4AL 0 51.444006 -0.122994
SW2 4AP 0 51.44414 -0.123549
SW2 4AR 0 51.443979 -0.124146
SW2 4AS 0 51.443761 -0.124025
SW2 4AT 0 51.443533 -0.123229
SW2 4AY 0 51.441476 -0.130134
SW2 4AZ 0 51.44105 -0.12995
SW2 4BD 0 51.440267 -0.132126
SW2 4BE 0 51.440394 -0.132782
SW2 4BG 0 51.440458 -0.133399
SW2 4BH 0 51.442291 -0.134461
SW2 4BJ 0 51.442315 -0.133697
SW2 4BL 0 51.441271 -0.133092
SW2 4BN 1 51.440732 -0.134251
SW2 4BQ 0 51.441168 -0.133945